State of the Insurrection

State of the Union 2024.


Joe Biden did a great job tonight giving the state of the union speech. On a personal level I believe he earned this night from a lifetime of practicing public service. His service has been flawed like most incumbents, but, comparatively, he’s been one of the good guys, imo, at least rhetorically, most of the time.

I agree with most of what Joe says, but unfortunately not much of what he says will come to pass. He said let’s get the John Lewis voting rights act passed to a majority of stone-faced lizards sitting down with long frowns and scowls. The voting rights act will never pass because the establishment is against an honest democracy. The democrats jumped up and down with glee for voting rights, now that they’re the minority. They had a majority two years ago. Oh, that's right, two sabatours in the senate voted with the opposition. Typical.

The Democrats always lose, even with a majority.

They could have passed voting rights two years ago. But the VP conceded her tie-breaking vote to the minority rule scam. As I wrote at the time, the Biden admin could have forced the court to rule on the filibuster simply by declaring the bill passed by the votes cast. If Kamala had voted yes, to break the senate tie, voting rights would have won by a majority vote. That would have given the president standing to take the so-called filibuster rule to court. That would expose the rule for what it is and force the senate to correct it for constitutional compliance,

The ability of a senate minority to block the majority from proceeding to a vote is unconstitutional. If Joe was serious about his lofty goals he would start there. He would challenge the senate rule as unconstitutional. Ironically, Biden was the defendant for the same filibuster rule, when he was vice president. As noted here:

Common Cause versus Joseph R. Biden, Jr.

The SCOTUS just declared the states can’t block Trump from their ballots. That ruling is in violation of the constitution, on its face. The courts political interpretation is part of the same crime as the insurrection. The unveiling of the conspiracy is at hand.

I wish I had time to shred their opinions. I’ll just quickly point out the constitution says the insurrectionist is disqualified from holding any office. Unless two-thirds of congress forgives the crime he is disqualified. The law is super simple language and a shameless misinterpretation by our dis-honorable decision makers.

But more importantly. The constitution says two-thirds of congress is required. That’s because normally, the intention is for congress to abide by majority vote. This is another example of how the filibuster is incompatible with the constitution. What’s the point of declaring a super majority is required to forgive an insurrectionist if a minority can prevent the vote?

In this case the Democrats can prevent Trump from being on the ballot simply by filibustering the vote. One senator could object to a vote on the insurrectionist, and Trump could not be forgiven. That’s how the senate rules have been practiced lately.

It goes to show it’s all arbitrary.  The court is going to hear Trump’s presidential immunity claims. Trump’s team says the president is above the law. Sounds like another gross misinterpretation coming from the court.

If the court will hear this they’ll hear anything. It proves we have no laws. It’s all up for interpretation. The constitution says the president will faithfully execute the law. It says nothing about being above the law. But they’ll take the case.

These judicial misinterpretations are political crimes.

I saw this coming back before dictatorship was barely a twinkle in Donalds’ eyes. We’ve all been watching presidents break the law and it’s been called political. That’s normal around here and why society is in this mess we’re in, in the first place. It was a long ongoing conversation that we can’t criminalize political policy. Even if it’s criminal. That’s how we’ve always done it.

Remember when the Geneva conventions were considered "quaint" by our top cop. I do. Rember when we sold missles to terrorists and drugs to Americans. Or when we lied our way into wars? The list of policy crimes is way too long to even get started. That doesn't make them legal.

Rubber-stamping criminal activity by the president comes from the fact that every president in my lifetime, at least. has committed crimes while in office. Trump and his global cabal of economic vampires want to keep milking the American cow, legally. Despite the nation carrying satirical amounts of debt, Donald and his greedy milkmen just want to keep sucking the taxpayer to death. Sadly that’s what Joe’s crew will do as well.

They’ve stolen all our money and claim their pyramid scheme a success. Now they’re going to pile it on top of the giant crypto counterfeiting scam. All the corporate lemmings will invest their easily earned money and corporate lizards everywhere will grow fatter than they could have imagined, without understanding their untaxed profits cause the public debt.

The new pyramid scheme sits atop an unknown amount of counterfeited value declared valid. It’s worse than a junk bond scam. Here's their great idea; Hey, I manufacture money. Check it out. It’s counterfeit now, but I will declare it to be so valuable that the government will recognize it and then you can invest in it, first. When the government sanctions my digital money scam, we'll be super rich. Then everybody can invest in the scam which will validate the value of the initial counterfieted declarations. It's counterfeited value is whatever we say it and the foundation of the pyramid. If it fails, we got paid first. So throw your money on the crypto mountain, before it's too late.

So as Joe was singing his old favorites last night, all along sitting behind him was the smirking clockwork orange guy. He represents the insurrectionists. Their greedy and malicious intentions are unfiltered and without compassion. He just can’t wait to kick somebody while they’re down, as he sings, singing in the rain. I'm just singing in the rain! He represents the hooligan intruders who will rob the public, administratively, and squeeze the public until they fight back and validate the coming conflict. The public will need to be restrained, institutionally, to prevent the violence and chaos.

The speaker didn’t stand up once, for the president. Even Nancy stood up on occasion for Trump. I’m surprised Mike didn’t rip up Biden’s speech at the end and toss it up in the air. He could have started a tradition. Like mocking the opposition. Biden did that tonight. I’m so proud of him. Even if it’s just rhetoric. It was good rhetoric. Though the president disappoints me in more ways than I have time to express. We have a binary choice. Vote for Joe Biden and the Democratic party.

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